Tuesday, September 18, 2007

19 years under Military Rule

It has been 19 years we are under military rules. No one will be against them as long as they work for country and country prosper. But the military Junta has been richer and and richer and people are more poor than 19 years ago in terms of earning. Before the Junta took power, there is no shortage of electricity supply in Rangoon. Now, people in Yangon can get electricity on alternate day or quota system that is also not predictable. The Junta newspaper mentioned that during the Junta era so many dam has constructed and has been contructing to generate electricity. Where all that newly generated electricity goes?
I could not denied that there have been improvement in road system. But construction of roads and improvement system is based on miliatry point of view so some roads and bridges were constructed unnecessarily causing inflation and burdern to people.
What is the reason behind constructing Naypyidaw? Cost a lot of money and goverment still cannot pay to subcontractor. That is also one reason petrol price have to be risen. Poor monatary sytsem implementation contribute hardship to people. Look at the University education sytem. Hundereds of University has opened but quality of education is so low. Univeristy become like State High school.
But there is world record achievement by them: Longest National Constutution Drafting Convention, took 14 years.
Poor governance, poor monatary policy, super corruption lead our mother land to poor nation

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