Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arguing with Dean of Lee Kuan School of Public Policy

I would like refer to an article " Myanmar: Dealing with complexity by Kishore Mahbubani in The Straight Times. on June 18, 2008

1. I would like to discuss his comment "20 years of sanctions imposed by the USand the EU on Myanmar have not succeeded, indeed the miliatry regime in Myanmar remainss as stronger as ever." The writer point out only the failure. He did not point out the cause of failure. The failure is due to lack of support from neighbouring countries, India, China, Thailand and Singapore. All this countries are exploiting Burma's resources while US and EU are shun away trading with Burma. They are practising like professional gambler playing poker at the death man house. If this ASEAN , China and India did support sanction, it is certian that the military regime will be fall down. If this countries did not trade with Burma, it is quite certain that there will be shortage of commodities and uprising will occur and Junta will be toppled. some may argue that there will be bloodshed if this situation arise. Of course, there is no success without sacrifice. Most of Burmese are eagerly to sacrifice to change the Junta.

2 Kishore Mahbubani point out that " Sanctions dont work, Engagement does." ASEAN has allowed Burma to be in ASEAN group since 1977. Has Burma change towards democracy? Has Burmese people human right record improve. Has Burmese peoples living standard improve? Has Burmese Junta softer? In 2008, 10 years after Burma beame ASEAN member, MM Mr Lee Kuan Yew mentioned that he could not understand how the generals could believe that they could let Burma remain isolated. Is this the success of engagement policy.

3. There is a qustioned by the author . Would Myanmar be better of today if it had been invaded in Operation Myanmar Freedom? Who would have been responsible for cleaning up the mess if the invading forces left before the country had been stabilized.
Burma current situation is quite different with Iraq and Yugoslavia. Could not compare with them. We have national leader, Daw Aung San Su Kyi, who could united people from all races. We dont have religious differences like Iraq and Yugoslavia, where Shiite and Sunnni, Chritian and Muslim etc. They dont have national leader like Burma. Moreover majority of Burmese are expecting a forces that would topple Junta. Once the small numbers of miliatry leaders have been detained by invading force, it is sure that all army will be join democratic forces. Most of the non Burmese do not understand the metality of Burmese. They think that after invading freedom, there will be much resistance like Iraq or Yugoslav. We, Burmese are prone to accept non violence ways because of Budhist teaching. All Burmese try to follow Buddhist five precept. Among the five precepts , abstain from killing is the mostly upheld. That why there is no sucide bombing and assisination attempt in Burmese politics.(only one -two assisination in Buremse history)

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